Subscription Types
  • 13 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Subscription Types

  • Dark

Article summary

The Subscription Type API provides a robust framework for managing all aspects of subscriptions within Bento Box. This API facilitates the creation, update, and maintenance of subscription types.

This API handled the complex dynamics of subscription services, offering flexibility to support whatever subscription types you want to offer your customers. Below we’ll explore how you can customise the subscription offering in Bento to be precisely what you want to offer your customers, including pricing models, billing and delivery cadences, and some Bento magic we’re calling subscription phases. (Can you tell we’re excited just writing about it?)

Key Features

Subscription Types Management

Define and manage different subscription types, including the products offered, delivery schedules, and pricing strategies. Subscription types let you easily manage your various offerings, regardless of how similar or different they are to each other.

You could offer subscription A which sends out a milk chocolate every week and takes payment every month at a fixed base price. You can separately offer subscription B which sends out a white chocolate every fortnight and takes payment on the same cadence, with the base price decreasing every 2 orders to reward loyalty. For more details on the different pricing options, see the Pricing API docs.

Separate Billing and Delivery Cadences

Customers should be allowed to manage their finances as they see fit. With Bento’s billing and delivery cadences, you’re free to choose when items are sent out and when payment is taken. You’re free to take yearly payments or even daily, but why limit yourself to payments based on the calendar? You can also take payments after a set number of orders. We just want you to have the flexibility to offer the customer whatever you want to.

Custom Pricing Models

Would you like your customers to pay a fixed price for every order? Or would you like them to pay a price that reduces every few orders to reward loyalty? Or would you like them to pay different pricing depending on how many items they’ve added to a particular order in their subscription? With Bento, you can pick from any of these options and more, customise the parameters, and offer your customers the pricing strategy that suits you. Your business and offerings are unique so your pricing should be too.


Here’s where we really unbox success. At Bento we understand that different demographics have different preferences for their subscriptions, and the lifetime of a customer places them in different categories. We allow you to set up subscriptions which update dynamically based on criteria that you set. Everything we discussed above is great for a whole subscription but we like to turn it up to 11 by letting you customise all of those dials at any point in the subscription.

Introductory Offers

Some customers need to be baited with something small before committing. You can set up one phase that offers one chocolate bar a week for four weeks at a reduced price, and then a second phase which switches to two bars every fortnight. This gives customers four weeks to try your offerings before they’re automatically switched to a regular recurring fortnightly subscription.

Rewarding Loyalty

Unfortunately, many customers cancel their subscriptions once introductory offers are over. To solve this problem for you, Bento lets you define a phase for loyal customers. You might choose to give customers a 15% discount on all orders after their 12th box to reward them for staying with you, keeping them from churning and extending their LTV.

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