Subscription Events
  • 13 May 2024
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Subscription Events

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Article summary

The event body for a subscription created and updated event matches the Subscription API format, for example:

Subscription Created and Updated

  "contractId": "1843184220912258938881652046492359617400310",
  "createdAt": "2024-03-04T21:22:45.478Z",
  "customerId": "customer-identifier",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "subscriptionTypeId": "eb1e8c13-f750-46cf-a9dd-2b41ade213cd",
  "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T08:42:20.937Z",
  "version": 61439,
  "metadata": [
      "key": "VIP",
      "value": true
  "discounts": [{ "code": "10_OFF" }],
  "credit": [
      "type": "OrderCredit",
      "value": 3
  "tenantId": "merchant-tenant-id",
  "subscriptionType": {
    "name": "Main Product Subscription",
    "shortDescription": "A subscription with a trial phase, main phase, and loyalty phase.",
    "description": "A subscription with a trial phase, main phase, and loyalty phase. In later phases the customer has access to different billing options.",
    "typeId": "molestias",
    "createdAt": "2024-03-05T04:58:55.677Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-03-04T15:40:04.382Z",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "phases": [
        "id": "3fd4e503-fa2f-442b-9802-4e9ad15c18ad",
        "name": "Trial Phase",
        "deliveryCadenceOptions": [
            "duration": "MONTH",
            "values": [1, 2, 3]
        "terminationCriteria": [
            "orderOrdinal": 3
        "presets": [],
        "productOptions": [
            "items": [
                "type": "collection",
                "id": "1"
            "quantity": [6]
        "billingOptions": {
          "frequency": {
            "durationUnit": "EVERY_N_ORDER",
            "values": [1]
        "pricingCalculator": {
          "engine": "fixedBasePrice",
          "configuration": {
            "basePrice": 10
        "id": "3fd4e503-fa2f-442b-9802-4e9ad15c18ad",
        "name": "Main Phase",
        "deliveryCadenceOptions": [
            "duration": "MONTH",
            "values": [1, 2, 3]
        "terminationCriteria": [
            "orderOrdinal": 24
        "presets": [],
        "productOptions": [
            "items": [
                "type": "collection",
                "id": "1"
            "quantity": [6]
        "billingOptions": {
          "frequency": {
            "durationUnit": "EVERY_N_ORDER",
            "values": [1, 2, 3]
        "pricingCalculator": {
          "engine": "fixedBasePrice",
          "configuration": {
            "basePrice": 100
        "id": "3fd4e503-fa2f-442b-9802-4e9ad15c18ad",
        "name": "Loyalty Phase",
        "deliveryCadenceOptions": [
            "duration": "MONTH",
            "values": [1, 2, 3]
        "presets": [],
        "productOptions": [
            "items": [
                "type": "collection",
                "id": "1"
            "quantity": [6]
        "billingOptions": {
          "frequency": {
            "durationUnit": "EVERY_N_ORDER",
            "values": [1, 2, 3, 6]
        "pricingCalculator": {
          "engine": "fixedBasePrice",
          "configuration": {
            "basePrice": 80
  "phases": [
      "id": "trial-phase-id",
      "deliveryCadence": {
        "durationUnit": "MONTH",
        "quantity": 1
      "billing": {
        "frequency": {
          "durationUnit": "EVERY_N_ORDER",
          "quantity": 1
      "products": [
          "id": "product-id-1",
          "quantity": 6
      "id": "main-phase-id",
      "deliveryCadence": {
        "durationUnit": "MONTH",
        "quantity": 1
      "billing": {
        "frequency": {
          "durationUnit": "EVERY_N_ORDER",
          "quantity": 2
      "products": [
          "id": "product-id-2",
          "quantity": 3
          "id": "product-id-2",
          "quantity": 3
      "id": "loyalty-phase-id",
      "deliveryCadence": {
        "durationUnit": "MONTH",
        "quantity": 1
      "billing": {
        "frequency": {
          "durationUnit": "6",
          "quantity": "EVERY_N_ORDER"
      "products": [
          "id": "product-id-2",
          "quantity": 3
          "id": "product-id-3",
          "quantity": 5
  "deliveryDetails": {
    "addressId": "12345",
    "nextOrderOverride": null,
    "previousOrder": {
      "deliveryDate": "2024-01-01",
      "orderOrdinal": [1]
    "adjustedDates": [["2024-12-25", "2024-12-30"]],
    "baseDate": "2024-01-01"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "source": "STRIPE",
    "token": "my-payment-token"

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