  • 13 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Wasabi Ingress

Don’t tell the AI overlords we said this, but computers aren’t all that smart. The can process terabytes of data in the blink of an eye, but they can only work with what we give them. What this means for Wasabi is that the output of our state of the art algorithms is heavily dependant on receiving useful inputs.

For this purpose, we’ve defined some data structures in which you can send us data for us to store and process. Send us your data in the required format, then sit back and relax while our AI algorithms crunch your numbers for you and give you the output data.

How it Works

You should submit your data through our secure API, ensuring each JSON body adheres to our specified schema. After submission, our system validates the data against the schema, identifying any discrepancies and providing feedback for corrections. Once the data meets our criteria, it's ingested into the Wasabi system. We'll communicate promptly upon successful completion of the process, guiding you towards effective data integration.

Data types

Remember, the quality of the data you provide directly influences the accuracy and reliability of the results, making it crucial to submit the best possible data for optimal outcomes.

To fully onboard onto Wasabi, we require the following different types of data, each in their own JSON file and matching our schema. These files will cover:


  • Field names will be in bold

  • Example values where mentioned will be in italics

JSON Schema Validation

All the above data types will have a JSON schema provided in the linked documentation, specifying the different fields and data types the import data must have. In order to save time re-working and re-uploading the data, you can check against the import format in code or use an online validator. The import service will reject any files that don't match the schema.

To reduce the likelihood of this, double-check the documentation for each data type carefully to ensure the files meet our requirements, and feel free to use a JSON Schema faker to try generating an example that matches our schema if you'd like to see more examples of data match.

Note: an accepted schema does not guarantee that the data is valid, as it only checks types. Data may be in the right format but still be incorrect, for example, if an order contains a subscription ID which does not exist in the order imports JSON, this would be accepted by the schema but not by the imports service.


What is a JSON schema?

A JSON schema is a blueprint for defining the structure, data types, and validation rules for JSON data. It acts as a set of guidelines that specify how data should be organized and what values are valid for each field. JSON schemas are used to ensure data consistency and accuracy, reducing the chance of an error when importing into our system.

Why is JSON the preferred import method?

JSON is the preferred data format for our Import Service due to its structured nature, flexibility in handling complex data, support for data validation through JSON Schema, human-readability, compatibility with APIs, and ability to include metadata.

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