Raising an Incident
  • 03 May 2024
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Raising an Incident

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Article summary

Raising an Incident

An incident is an event that disrupts normal service operations and affects user experiences. It may range from minor issues, like a temporary glitch in functionality, to major outages that prevent users from accessing the service altogether. The goal of incident management is to restore normal service as quickly as possible while minimizing impact on the users.

Incident Priority:

Incident priority refers to the level of urgency assigned to an incident, which determines the order and speed of response efforts. It is based on factors such as the impact on users, the severity of the issue, and the number of features or users affected. Incident priority helps us to effectively triage and manage these issues, ensuring that the most critical problems are addressed first.






Incident - Raise Via Email

An incident affecting a business-critical component or components is down meaning normal business cannot resume until resolved.

"Something is on fire"

A core business area stops functioning, e.g. orders are not being processed, or a mass billing failure.

24/7 support until resolved.


Bug Ticket - Raise via Bento Help Centre

An incident that leads to degradation of a component or sub-optimal performance.

"Its not on fire yet but will be soon"

Merchant processes not core to transaction stop functioning, e.g. subscription changes are not updating in future orders correctly

16/7 coverage (7am - 11pm daily UK time)


Bug Ticket - Raise via Bento Help Centre

An incident affecting non-critical service or with a low impact but still requires an urgent fix

"no fire risk, but a fix is needed"

Minor Merchant processes stop functioning, e.g. the promotional tooling logic breaks

Internal tooling stops functioning, e.g. dashboards and analytics

9/5 coverage (9am - 6pm weekdays UK time)


Support Ticket - Raise via Bento Help Centre

Any other support request that has a low impact and does not require an urgent fix.

"nice to have"

Anything that doesn’t apply to the above criteria e.g. new feature requests.

Backlog which will be prioritised alongside other tasks.

How to raise a P0:

  1. Raise via email to <support@gousto-bento.com>, which automatically triggers an alert inside the Bento support process.

  2. Please include the incident severity assigned according to the email subject line “[P0] Merchant Name [Tech/Security] Incident”.

  3. In the body of the email give details of the incident and your assessment of P0 impact. 

  4. Our support team will then pick this up as a priority, assess the incident and it will be worked on 24/7 until resolved. Regular communications will be set up between Bento and the Merchant until resolved.

How to raise a P1/P2/P3 Incident:

Fill out the details of a Bug Ticket on Bento Help Centre:

  1. CC (optional) - this field allows other colleagues who have a Help Desk account to comment on the ticket you have raised. If you do not CC them, they will only be able to view the ticket

  2. Priority - how urgent the ticket is, this will also be evaluated by Bento Engineers

  3. Subject - the title of the ticket

  4. Description - all the relevant info you can provide (you can add links and images here)

The full process on how to raise a ticket on our Bento Help Centre is on the next page.

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