Transaction History
  • 06 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Transaction History

  • Dark

Article summary

The lifecycle of a payment; pre-authorisation, capturing and refunding; is managed via a single Transaction. The transaction is returned by the relevant API requests and will contain the latest state of the transaction.

As well as the current state, the transaction will also contain a history, which is a full list of all states the transaction has previously been in.

Transaction States

The possible transaction states are

  • AuthFailed

  • Authorizing

  • AuthSucceeded

  • AuthExpired

  • AuthVoided

  • Capturing

  • CaptureFailed

  • CaptureSucceeded

  • Refunded

  • Refunding

  • RefundFailed

The set of state transitions is outlined below:


When a transaction is pre-authorised it will either be authorised successfully and enter the AuthSucceeded state or it will fail and be marked as AuthFailed.
The Authorizing state, whilst possible, is rarely seen. An Authorizing transaction will transition to AuthSucceeded or AuthFailed on it's own.
Once a transaction is in the AuthSucceeded state it can either be:

  • voided and moved into the AuthVoided state

  • captured which will start the capturing process


When capturing a transaction, if the transaction is successfully authorised and the authorization hasn't expired it will move into the Capturing state, otherwise it will be reported as AuthFailed or AuthExpired depending on the scenario.
Once the payment processor has completed settling a transaction it will moved into the CaptureSucceeded state.
A transaction will enter the Capturing state immediately after capture is initiated, it is safe to assume a transaction will settle successfully at this point. It is exceptionally rare for payments to transition to the CaptureFailed state. If this happens Bento will notify our partners directly.


A transaction in the CaptureSucceeded state can be refunded. Whilst the refund is being processed it will be in the Refunding state and will be moved into the Refunded state if this completes successfully otherwise it will be marked as RefundFailed.
Failed refunds can be retried, and multiple partial refunds can be issued. The total refund amount cannot exceed the original transaction amount.

Transaction Amount

To determine the value of the transaction; how much it was authorized for, how much was captured and how much was refunded the following fields can be used:

  • authorizedAmount the amount the transaction has been authorized for.

  • capturedAmount the amount that was captured when the transaction was captured.

  • refundedAmout the amount of the transaction that has been refunded.

When the capturedAmount is non-zero, and equal to the refundedAmount the transaction has been fully refunded.
The totalAmount field should the aggregate of the above values. Prior to the transaction being captured it shows the authorizedAmount. Once a transaction has been captured it shows the amount captured minus any refunds that have been issued.

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